Shom – Service hydrographique français
Début du projet
Fin du projet
SIMNORAT is intended to support implementation of the MSP Directive by Member States Portugal, Spain and France within their marine waters in the Northern European Atlantic region (Key Objective 1), and to contribute to supporting cross-border cooperation between MS in relation to implementation of the MSP Directive (Key Objective 2). Use of any output/outcomes of the project will be decided by individual Member States (MS) as determination of any approach to maritime spatial planning lies with MS for their respective marine areas.
As this project will be developed simultaneously with MSP Directive implementation and the partners of the project are involved in such process, the connection and benefits between both actions will be ensured.
For France, the maritime policies are embedded in a Ministry, MTES, and the management of the maritime policies is organized by “sea basin”. The Shom, (Responsible of the safety of the navigation and in charge of the description of the marine physical environment), the CEREMA, (Expertise Center on Risks studies, Environment, Mobility and space planning) and the FBA (French Biodiversity Agency) are the main organizations involved in the MSP process, with the MTES and the SGMer (Secretariat General to the Sea), office of the prime Minister in charge of coordination of maritime policies. At each sea basin level, a couple of maritime and terrestrial Prefets implement the MSP Directive, supporting by the coordination of the DlRMs (Marine Interregional Direction, region Mediterranean).
In Spain, two organizations, already involved in the Maritime Strategy Framework Directive process are delegated by the Environment Ministry, MAPAMA, in charge of the MSP process, the CEDEX and the IEO. The organization for the MSP is in process.
In Portugal, the General Direction of Maritime for Natural Ressources, Maritime Saftey and Services (DGRM)
delegated the University of Aveiro (UA), which participated in TPEA project.
Moreover, the Regions are in charge of a lot of competencies directly linked to MSP process. As it was clearly not possible to involve all the regions in the project, the CPMR, association of I60 Maritime regions in Europe, which is active in the areas of ICM/MSP, will therefore ensure link with this important level of governance.
Specific Objectives
SIMNORAT will achieve this by focusing on a number of activities that reflect and respond to perceived needs as set out in the call for proposals of DG Mare, and also identified by the current priorities of the MSP authorities whose remit impacts in the Northern European Atlantic, including national and devolved administrations, which will be directly involved as participants in the action.
Membres du Laboratoire

AFB – Agence française pour la Biodiversité
CEDEX – Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras
CEREMA – Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et
CPMR – Conférence des Régions Périphériques Maritimes d’Europe
IEO – Instituto Español de Oceanografía
UA – Universidad de Aveiro