Cadre de recherche Ifremer
Cadre de recherche Ifremer
Amure UMR 6308
02 90 91 56 15 - IUEM - Bureau D155
Instreams is a collaboration project between Ifremer and NOAA aimed at understanding governance conflicts that span across multiple species, economic sectors, and legal mandates. It specifically investigates institutions surrounding salmon recovery on the West Coast of the US, where declining wild salmon runs have evolved into a durable crisis due to a combination of factors, including: human harvest, hydropower dams, habitat degradation, reduced stream flow caused by agricultural water diversions, hatchery policies, predation, and others. The complex, diadromous life histories of salmon, and their associated wide geographic and cross-jurisdictional ranges, make implementation of integrated policies particularly difficult. One of the main goals of Instreams is to specify analytical frameworks for evaluating management tradeoffs among competing objectives within and across species, economic sectors, and jurisdictional boundaries. The project also seeks to inform the development of integrated institutional regimes that consider the diversity of stakeholder interests and the potential benefits of cross-sectoral coordination.
Bellanger M., Fonner R., Holland D., Libecap G.D., Lipton D.W., Scemama P., Speir C., Thébaud O. (2021) Cross-sectoral externalities relating to natural resources and ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 184, 106990.
Bellanger M., Speir C., Blanchard F., Brooks K., Butler J., Crosson S., Fonner R., …, Young J. (2020) Addressing Marine and Coastal Governance Conflicts at the Interface of Multiple Sectors and Jurisdictions. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:544440, 743.
Fonner R., Bellanger M., Warlick A. (2020) Economic Analysis for Marine Protected Resources Management: tools, challenges, and opportunities. Ocean and Coastal Management 194, 105222.
Bellanger M., Holland D., Anderson C.M., Guyader O. (2019) Incentive effect of joint and several liability in fishery cooperatives on regulatory compliance. Fish and Fisheries 20(4), 715-728.
Bellanger M., Macher C., Merzéréaud M., Guyader O., Le Grand C. (2018) Investigating trade-offs in alternative catch share systems: an individual-based bio-economic model applied to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(10), 1663-1679.
Hyder K., Weltersbach M.S., Armstrong M., Ferter K., Townhill B., Ahvonen A., Arlinghaus R., Baikov A., Bellanger M., et al. (2018) Recreational sea fishing in Europe – participation rates, fishing effort and expenditure in a global context. Fish and Fisheries 19(2), 225-243.
Bellanger M., Levrel H. (2017) A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative survey methods used for the monitoring of marine recreational fishing in France. Ocean and Coastal Management, 138, 19-28.
Frangoudes K., Bellanger M. (2017) Fishers’ opinions on marketization of property rights and the quota system in France. Marine Policy, 80, 107-122.
Bellanger M., Macher C., Guyader O. (2016). A new approach to determine the distributional effects of quota management in fisheries. Fisheries Research, 181, 116-126.
Guyader O., Bellanger M., Reynal L., Demanèche S., Berthou P. (2013). Fishing strategies, economic performance and management of moored fishing aggregating devices in Guadeloupe. Aquatic Living Resources, 26(01), 97-105.